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Get paid for what you sell instantly

Access your funds instantly without waiting

Sell, charge, repeat

Access your money in real time

Don’t wait for marketplaces to release the money from your sales

Sell more

Avoid stock-outs by having more capital available for reinvestment and meet demand in a timely manner

Grow your business

Multiply your revenues by up to three times, leading to a better position that will increase your bargaining power with suppliers

No additional fees or subscriptions

Access your money instantly in exchange for a small fixed percentage of your net sales. No additional costs

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How it works
in 60 seconds

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How it works
in 60 seconds

Register in 5 minutes

Paso número 1

Sell in your online store and receive the funds withheld instantly

Paso número 2

Every day, we advance 80% of your net sales.

Net sales = gross sales – marketplace commissions

When your marketplace settles your funds, you’ll receive the remaining 20% minus our fee

How would it feel to get paid for your sales immediately? Change the rules of the game

When recurring payments are the cornerstone of your cash flow, customisable, reliable and secure automation becomes a crucial part of your structure

Try us for free
for two weeks

no strings attached

We’re confident you’ll like it so much that you’ll want to recommend us. To make it easy for you, contact us to tell us who you’re referring, and if they join Wannme, you’ll receive €1,000

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you need help or have questions, you can contact our support team at any time at soporte@wannme.com.