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Sell more and get paid today

We help companies
sell more

We unify all payment tools and liquidity solutions into a single online payment and cash advance platform

Digital payment platform

Your company wants to sell,
your customers want to buy.
Get the perfect payments flow

Advanced payment

Receive revenue from your sales
on marketplaces today

So, how and when do you get paid?

Contact us for collections solutions and get immediate liquidity from your marketplaces

Increase the flexibility of the way you charge using a single API

Simple, secure and adaptable to all your scenarios and get paid instantly. It’s that easy

Confían en nosotros

Successful flows

Recurring payments

Customisable payment plans, with fixed or variable instalments, which can adapt to your business model


With numerous payment methods available


Access to immediate liquidity as soon as your sales are made on marketplaces


Leverage customised tools to recover unpaid invoices


Automatically split the amount of a payment among the different merchants in the shopping basket

Stories that are a testament to us


Splitting payments among sellers after sales on marketplaces is much easier thanks to Wannme.


Increasing the collection rate is easier thanks to the automation offered by Wannme.


Automation of recoveries of Acuerdo by Ejaso with Wannme.