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Legal Notice


In accordance with Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), Internet users (hereinafter the ‘Users’) are hereby informed that WANNME MARKETPLACE, S.L.U. (hereinafter the ‘Company’ or ‘Wannme’) is the owner of the website www.wannme.com (hereinafter the ‘Website’), whose details are as follows:

  • Corporate Name: WANNME MARKETPLACE, S.L.U.
  • Tax ID Code (CIF): B-87935540
  • Trade Name: Wannme
  • Registered Office: Avenida Manoteras, 38, Madrid (Spain).
  • Registered in the Companies House of Madrid: Volume 36429, Book 0, Folio 153, Section 8, Sheet M-654496.
  • Phone number and email address: + 34 910390250 and hola@wannme.com


All content and elements of the Website, including, but not limited to, texts, drawings, trademarks, domain names, logos, graphics, animations, source codes, applications or any other element are owned by the Company or its licensors. Their reproduction, transformation, distribution or public communication, as well as any other act of disposition is strictly forbidden, unless duly authorised to do so by the Company. Users and vendors of services or products through the Website (hereinafter the ‘Vendors’) only have a strictly private right of use, which is solely for the purpose of enjoying the Website and the services and products offered by Vendors (hereinafter the ‘Services’) in accordance with the legal terms and conditions set out by Wannme (hereinafter the ‘Terms and Conditions’) governing the provision of the Services. With regard to any computer program or application (hereinafter the ‘Software’), as well as any content thereof that may be accessed through the Website, the Company gives the User or Vendor a personal and non-transferable authorisation to use the Software and the content for the sole purpose of using the Website and the Services, without prejudice to the Legal Terms and Conditions setting out another specific licence that the User must accept and which shall prevail. In any case, any copying, transformation, distribution, public communication or any other act of disposition or modification of the Software and the content is strictly forbidden unless duly authorised to do so by the Company or its owner.

The User or Vendor undertakes to use the content and elements accessed through the Website for their own use and needs, without commercially exploiting them – whether directly or indirectly – under any circumstances. It is expressly forbidden to delete, evade or manipulate any information or marks identifying the rights of the Website’s owner(s) built into the content. Access to the content found on the Website does not imply any authorisation by the Company beyond that specifically granted in this clause.


3.1. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability of the Website

The Website is provided to the User or Vendor ‘as is’, so any access and/or use of the Website, as well as any request for information and use of the Services, is always done under the responsibility of the User or Vendor and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out by the Company. The User or Vendor shall hold harmless and indemnify the Company for any damage that they may incur with regard to any breach of the Terms and Conditions.

The information provided on the Website has been prepared or obtained from sources considered to be secure. Nevertheless, the Company does not warrant the reliability and correctness of any information, whether proprietary or provided by third parties, as the Company does not have any control over it. As the information contained in the Website may be modified by Vendors, market conditions or third parties at any time and without prior notice, it is advisable to verify it before subscribing, requesting or purchasing any product or service associated with such information. The Company assumes no liability for any possible discrepancy or difference that may arise between the information in the Company’s database and that offered by Vendors or any third parties.

The data provided by the Company is that provided by Vendors or Users or, where applicable, excerpts or summaries prepared in house based on information obtained from the Vendor or User, which has been provided for information purposes and is intended to guide the User in helping them understand the products or services shown. These do not constitute recommendations, suggestions, opinions or professional advice that serves as a decisive factor in decision-making under any circumstances. The decision to follow the recommendations obtained from the Website is solely the User’s, and the Company shall not be liable for any decisions made on the basis of such information.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage (including, but not limited to, any kind of direct, indirect or consequential damage or loss, loss of business, data, including the User’s data, contracts or earnings, loss or damage in relation to computer programs or equipment) arising out of access to or use of or inability to access or use the Website or any part thereof, whatever the reason, including the inaccuracy of the information contained in the Website, any damage that may be caused by the User’s access to the Website, including connection problems with the Service, the disclosure of their data to third-party providers of certain services, among others.

Likewise, the Company shall not be liable for the services or content of third-party collaborators which may be accessed through the Website. Similarly, the Company assumes no liability whatsoever arising from the lack of truthfulness, correctness or accuracy of the information or any other information provided by third parties through the Website (including Vendors, other participants or Users, the Company’s collaborators, among others, as third parties).

3.2. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability for maintenance of the Website

Although all necessary security measures have been taken, the Company does not warrant that the Software or other elements, files or content on the Website will be error-free, that access to it or use of it will be continuous, or that it cannot be infected by viruses or any other element that has destructive or harmful properties, and therefore, the Company accepts no liability for this whatsoever. In the event of any maintenance, repairs, updates or improvements to the Website or any of its elements, the Company reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to this Website and the Services provided through it without prior notice. Nevertheless, the Company will make every effort to ensure that such operations interfere as little as possible with the availability of the Website and the Services provided through it.

3.3 Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability for access to third-party websites

The Website may provide Users with links to websites belonging to third parties, in order to facilitate the search and access to information available on the Internet. The Company does not check, approve or take ownership of the services, information, data, files, products and any kind of material found on third-party websites beforehand. The User must therefore take every precaution in assessing and using the services, information, data, files, product and any kind of material found on third-party websites.

The Company does not warrant or assume any liability for the use, access or damage of any kind caused to the User for using the websites or services provided by third parties and recommends checking and reading the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of any websites whose links may be found on this Website before making any request or using the services.

3.4 Use of content by third parties

The Company does not warrant that Users and Vendors will use the Website, Services and content in accordance with the law, Terms and Conditions, generally accepted standards of decency and morality and public order, nor that they will do so diligently and prudently.

Therefore, the Company accepts no liability for the conduct of Users or Vendors or the use they make of the information or content on the Website.

3.5. Users’ Opinions

The Company shall not be liable for the opinions expressed by its Users.


Part of the Website may contain advertising content or be sponsored. The advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the Website complies with applicable laws. The Company shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities found in advertising or sponsored content.

In any case, to file any claim related to any advertising content found on this Website, please get in touch with the contact person indicated in these Legal Terms and Conditions.


The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as to update, modify or delete the information contained in the Website, the Services and the conditions required to access or use the Website and its Services. Using or accessing the Website or the Services shall imply agreement to the new terms and conditions from the moment they come into force.

The Company reserves the right to review – at any time and without prior notice, upon its own initiative or at the request of a third party – content transmitted, disseminated or made available to third parties by users and to prevent its transmission, dissemination or availability to third parties in the event that, in its opinion, it is contrary to the applicable Terms and Conditions.