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Is debt recovery the next challenge for Spanish companies?

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According to @BancodeEspaña (BdE) (Source: El Economista), financial companies accumulate a debt of €948.13 billion. In relative terms, companies owe the equivalent of 84.9% of the Spanish GDP. (Source: Cinco Días)

Unfortunately, SMEs have been the real victims of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. The General Council of Administrative Managers (September) warned that 26% of our SMEs have liquidity problems and some 130,000 would be forced to file for bankruptcy.

In terms of debt, one of the most alarming numbers is that 27% of these companies have defaulting customers. Furthermore, 70% of invoices issued by SMEs are paid late. 7 out of 10 invoices are not paid on time! But why does delinquency particularly affect smaller companies?

According to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, there are around 2,872,000 SMEs registered, which constitute an incredible source of income and wealth for Spain. Even so, they don’t have the necessary technology to deal with everything involved in day-to-day operations: customer collections, online payments, card payments, transfers, recurring payments, recoveries, overdue invoices, etc.
While other payment platforms or financial institutions are left with “fake payments”, WANNME takes things further.

We provide all kinds of companies with specific solutions combining and deploying different payment methods and types at the click of a button. This includes the collection of outstanding invoices and debts.
You can now recover debt using the same technology that a bank or contact centre uses to recover debt. See Recovery Solutions

Do you want to better understand who we are? We explain everything in great detail in our blog

What’s WANNME’s recovery solution like? ‘How can I start solving my cash flow problems?’ ‘How can I deal with my nonpayments?’ ‘I’m one instalment short. What happened?’ If these are questions you’ve asked yourself, read on.

«Thanks to Wannme, we can now manage the recovery of our clients’ different debt portfolios through a single platform that notifies us of the status of each of the collections in real time. What’s more, with Wannme, we can customise the look and feel of the payment screen for each client, as well as enable multiple payment methods, which has allowed us to increase our collection rate.»

WANNME RECOVERIES: An able solution

Every situation and client is different, which is why you need a solution that is highly adaptable, digital, effective, efficient and secure, and which you can exert great control over.

  • Adaptability: It’s essential to be well-prepared with everything you need for any use case that your clients might demand.
  • Flexibility: The more collection facilities, the more channels, the more payment options… Not only will you get paid, but you’ll also build customer loyalty.
  • Ease of payment: We do away with all extra efforts when making payments, facilitating and simplifying the process.
  • Effective: WANNME increases the chances of recovery thanks to its immediacy (Pay by link example, SEE BLOG), taking advantage of the moment of truth.
  • Automation: Our solution provides you with a chain of legal debt collection procedures, which is crucial for taking action right when a problem is detected. It can be manual or automatic by programming everything right from the start.
  • Absolute reconciliation. Everything preloaded. The client does not have to enter any information. They only have to accept payment and that’s it, saving time and reducing the risk of them giving up or making a mistake.
    • Division of the files into multiple portfolios.
  • Traceability of transactions. Thanks to the control panel, you’ll have a real-time overview of how transactions are going and a point of reference.
  • Efficient communications. Increase the likelihood of successful delivery of your nonpayment message through multiple channels: SMS, email, snail mail with QR payment code, certified communications, etc.
    • It’s efficient because it gets where it needs to go. Moreover, it can be digital, further reducing costs.
    • Fully customised templates.
  • Insurance: one of our priorities is making both you and the customer feel secure using our payments and escrow accounts platform.
«We don’t stop at collection, we go as far as recovery. We’re an end-to-end company that supports you from the start of the collection process until you actually get the money. We provide you with the same technology used by large banks or contact centres. With no add-ons needed. We help you collect your debts with an able solution.»
¿Es el recobro de deudas el próximo reto para las empresas españolas?

Do you want to know how you can forget about everything that has to do with collections in your business?
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