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Terms and conditions


These terms and conditions of use (hereinafter the ‘Terms and Conditions’) govern the access and use by Internet users (hereinafter ‘User’) of the website at www.wannme.com (hereinafter the ‘Website’), as well as the use and provision of the services (hereinafter the ‘Services’) that WANNME MARKETPLACE, S.L.U. (hereinafter the ‘Company’ or ‘Wannme’) provides through the Website.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as accessing and/or using the Website and the services and/or completing the sign-up process means that you have read, understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions without any reservations of any kind whatsoever. The use of this Website is reserved for adults, so the User undertakes not to use the services in case they do not meet this minimum age requirement or, failing that, they have not been authorised to do so by their legal representatives.

Access to and use of the Services and/or content provided on the Website to the User are subject to these Terms and Conditions, which the User must read carefully prior to accessing or using such Services and content. In any case, using such Services and content shall mean full and unconditional acceptance of the version of the Terms and Conditions published by the Company at the time the User accesses the Services.


Wannme is an independent platform that connects users and vendors which operates as a marketplace to coordinate the supply and demand for products and/or services.

Vendors (hereinafter ‘Vendors’) may sign up to offer their products and/or services through the ‘Log In’ window and customers (hereinafter ‘Users’) may sign up through the ‘Sign Up’ window to submit their needs and requests with regard to them. Vendors and Users shall be responsible for the content of the data and information they provide.

Wannme simply serves as a platform that lets Users and Vendors transact directly with one another for products or services, without providing any advice or recommendation. Wannme neither operates as a financial credit intermediary nor does it meet the conditions to be considered as one. Wanmme does not classify its customers based on their needs or investor profile; instead, it merely passes on the features of the products and services required by Users to Vendors, as well as the information and documentation provided by the former in order to purchase a certain product or service.

Wannme does not charge Users any commission; it will only charge commission to the Vendor that the User freely chooses in the end.

The Company’s services mainly consist in:

  • Informing Users of the features of the products offered by Vendors through the Website so that they can make a decision about whether to purchase them or not.
  • Forward the information and documentation provided by the User through the Website to the Vendors for them to assess and study them. Likewise, Wannme will inform Vendors of the number of bids that the User has requested from different Vendors for a service or product. However, under no circumstances will Wannme provide the identity of the Vendors chosen by the User.
  • In the event that the User wishes to purchase a certain product or service from a Vendor and the latter agrees to it, the formalities to sign the agreement between the User and the chosen Vendor may be done (i) by the User directly with the Vendor; or (ii) Wannme may handle them through the Website, or redirect the User to the Vendor’s website.

In order to access and use the service offered by the Company, the User must have both Internet connection and the necessary means to do so (a computer, mobile phone, etc.). To this end, it is advisable for the connection to be secure and for the User to avoid using open networks or public Wi-Fi. Likewise, the devices must be compatible with the applications and connections of the Company, which, in turn, will make all the necessary information available on its Website.

The Company does not take part in and is in no way liable for the legal relationships that may be established between the User and the Vendors, whose offers may appear on the Website. Likewise, the Company does not legally intervene in their content (in particular, it does not draw up the terms and conditions, decide them, accept proposals, validate their content, certify their correctness and lawfulness).

For this reason, the Company recommends all its Users to carefully read and verify all the terms and conditions before purchasing any product or service offered by the Vendors and to seek out, if necessary, legal advice to duly formalise it.

Wannme undertakes to provide the Vendor with the information and documentation provided by the User in relation to a certain product or service of interest to the User, as well as to keep such information and documentation in the strictest confidence. In the event that the User signs an agreement with a Vendor, all information and documentation provided by the User (including their personal data) to purchase the product or service will be kept by Wannme for as long as the User remains signed up to the Website. (ii) after signing an agreement, the User exercise their right to have their personal data erased, Wannme will block such personal data for the applicable statutory limitation period, after which time Wannme will destroy all of the User’s personal data. (i) an agreement was not signed with any Vendor; or (ii) after signing an agreement, the User exercise their right to have their personal data erased, Wannme will block such personal data for the applicable statutory limitation period, after which time Wannme will destroy all of the User’s personal data.


Access to the landing page of the Website is free of charge for the User and the Vendor and does not require any prior subscription or registration. Nevertheless, the Services provided through the Website may only be used upon subscription, registration or contracting by the User and the Vendor. The provision of such Services shall be subject to prior agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

Through the Website, the Company provides the User with access to and use of different Services, content and general information, which will be provided either directly by the Vendors by hosting them on the Website or provided by the Vendors to Wannme for it to transfer them to the Website. Thus, it will be up to the User to use such information properly and for the purposes deemed appropriate by them in full compliance with the provisions of the applicable terms and conditions. Under no circumstances shall Wannme be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information and content provided by the Vendors, regardless of the means of publication on the Website.

The User and the Vendor undertake to use the Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and with the legislation in force at all times. To modify their data or access profile, the User or Vendor must use the update tools provided on the Website. In particular, with regard to the Website, the User or Vendor MUST NOT do any of the following (but not limited to these):

  • Enter or provide data that is not true, accurate, complete and/or up to date.
  • Access the Website using the name or password of another User or Vendor or impersonate any person or identity.
  • Use the Website for uses other than personal and private use and for the mere private and personal access to the information provided by the Company.
  • Restrict or prevent any other User or Vendor from using and enjoying the Website.
  • Send or disseminate information, code or content that may curtail, impair, disrupt or impede the normal use of the Website by any User or Vendor, and/or that may damage or harm the equipment or property of third-party providers or other Users or Vendors, including, but not limited to, malicious applications, viruses, logic bombs, mass mailing, etc. The Company reserves the right to delete information submitted by a User or Vendor, in order to maintain an optimal quality of use of the Website.
  • Include or insert advertising, whether directly or indirectly, of any kind, whether their own or by third parties on the Website or in the provision of the Company’s Services or send commercial communications of any kind to other Users or Vendors, the Company or third parties using any means.
  • Store, download or copy personal data to which the User or Vendor may have access through the Website, except for the cases in which the Company expressly permits it in order to provide the Services.
  • Include content or data that could be offensive to other Users or Vendors of the Company, or to any third party, or that violate these Terms and Conditions, the Special Terms and Conditions of each service or any regulations that may be applicable (including data protection regulations, intellectual property regulations, among others). Any comment must also respect the basic rules of etiquette and good manners and avoid using aggressive, derogatory, threatening or abusive language, or language that could infringe on the rights of third parties.

In any case, the User or Vendor shall be solely liable for any damage, whether direct or indirect, that may be caused to another person for the breach of the terms and conditions set out in this section, as well as any damage caused to the Company for the misuse of its Services and for providing data that is not truthful, accurate, complete and up to date.

In the event that the Company becomes aware of any fraudulent use or use contrary to the legal terms and conditions of the Website or the Services by the User or Vendor through any means, it reserves the right to expel the User as well as prohibit them from accessing the Website and the Services, without prejudice to any legal action that may be available to it by law (i.e. compensation for damage, etc.).

The User or Vendor will have the option to sign up to the Company’s Website by entering their email address. To complete their registration, they must create a password, whose security and confidentiality are their responsibility. The email address will be the username. If they created a nickname, this will be used to publicly identify them to third parties and the email address will be kept solely for communications with the Company. The User is obliged and is solely responsible for keeping and safeguarding this information in a safe place. They can access the User Area using this username and password in order to manage:

  • The notifications received from the Company, without prejudice to the communications that they may receive via email.
  • Alerts sent by the Company with news about financial products chosen by the User, without prejudice to the communications that they may receive via email.
  • Private documentation area through which the User can upload the necessary documents to manage a financing process and review its status.

The User or Vendor will be solely responsible for any messages, ratings, news and information published by them and the Company shall in no way be liable for any damage that may arise.

The User or Vendor must refrain from creating different profiles with different email address. If they need to modify their current profile, they should contact the Company using the contact details provided in these Terms and Conditions.


In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter ‘GDPR’) and other applicable legislation on privacy in force at any given time, the Company hereby informs Users and any third party that provides their personal data through this link of its Personal Data Protection Policy.

The Company uses cookies. More information about the Cookies Policy can be found at the following link: Cookies Policy.


Access to the Website and its availability is for an indefinite period, notwithstanding the fact that the duration of the Services connecting the User and Vendor is limited to the effective duration of the agreement signed between the User and Vendor, where applicable. The Company, however, is entitled to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the Website and its availability and/or the provision of any of the Services.

The duration and termination of the agreements that the User enters into with the Vendors shall be governed according to what has been agreed between both parties.


Our company is a member of Confianza Online (a not-for-profit organisation), registered in the National Register of Associations under Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, tax ID code (CIF) G85804011, Carrera de San Jerónimo 18, 4º 1, 28014 Madrid (Spain). For more information: www.confianzaonline.es.

Likewise, we hereby inform you that as a member, and under the terms of its Code, Confianza Online shall have jurisdiction for the alternative resolution of any possible disputes with regard to digital advertising and the protection of data related to this field. (https://www.confianzaonline.es/como-reclamar)”

The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as to update, modify or delete the information contained in the Website, the Services and the conditions required to access or use the Website and its Services. Using or accessing the Website or the Services shall imply agreement to the new terms and conditions from the moment they come into force.

The Company reserves the right to review – at any time and without prior notice, upon its own initiative or at the request of a third party – content transmitted, disseminated or made available to third parties by users and to prevent its transmission, dissemination or availability to third parties in the event that, in its opinion, it is contrary to these Terms and Conditions.

Should any of the clauses in these Terms and Conditions be declared totally or partially null or void, this would only affect the provision in question or the part of it considered null or void. All of the remaining Legal Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute, the parties choose to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals corresponding to the User’s registered address, waiving their right to any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to.